Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dave at wrote an interesting blog called "Saving the News Gathers" regarding the demise of newspapers. I agree with Dave and think it is really sad. The daily newspaper has been a part of my life since I was a little girl.

When my sister-in-law and brother-in-law moved to a small town in western NC, there was no newspaper. This was very hard on my bother-in-law so three times a week he would drive to a town 20 miles away to get a copy of USA Today. After a while he cut it down to twice a week and then down to once. Finally he stopped altogether. He hasn't read a print paper in two years and says he doesn't miss it at all.

I subscribe to the St Petersburg Times but will probable go to just the weekend only when my subscription is up. The paper really doesn't have much news in it now anyway - just advertisements.

I do worry about the cartoonist. Cartoons are really an important part of the paper for me. Reporters can get other writing jobs but I really hate to see the demise of good cartoons. Perhaps we should put then on the endangered species list.

Time marches on but sometimes it's hard to keep up.