Sunday, April 11, 2010


Tiger Woods and Jesse James have been vilified for cheating on their wives. Let me first say, I do not condone their actions. If they wanted to screw around, they shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. It's hard for non celebrities to keep that kind of thing a secret and much harder if the world is watching you.

But what about the skaney women who slept with these guys knowing they were married? Don't they share equally in the responsibility for the break down of these marriages? Instead, they are being rewarded by becoming celebrities (if only for a short time) themselves. They could have said no. If I were the wives, I would be going after these women as well.

(I know skaney is ms - can't find it in the dictionary)

I don't think man was meant to be monogamous but if you stand up in front of all you friends and family and say you will, then you should - or get a divorce.

As an aside: Tiger's infidelity was probably a good thing for golf. I bet more people are watching the Masters that ever before. I know I am. Also, there isn't anything else on today.

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