Friday, October 3, 2008

Biden vs Palin

Joe Biden. Joe Biden is Joe Biden. What you see is what you get and what you get is good.

Sarah Palin did not embarrass herself last night. She did announce. early on, that she would not be following the rules (not a good sign in a leader). She would talk about what she wanted to talk about - and she did - repeatedly. All in all she did not do to bad.

But (you knew there would be a but)

I considerate myself to be a somewhat intelligent middle class American. I resent being called "Joe Six-pack". Does she think all middle class Americans sit around drinking beer and scratching themselves all day? Also, we could do without the gosh darn folksiness. I'm capable of understanding the King's English. I'm not sure the candidates do though. When are they going to stop using the double negative "have got"?

If you want my vote - don't talk down to me and don't insult me.


Wendy said...

I really wanted her to come out strong. Granted to strong she would be Hilary, but please who the hell is she flirting with.

One more wink and giggle I was going to nominate her for homecoming queen.

O.k. a little harsh, but how exactly are you going to create change in Washington! Taking on the big good old boys club, or trying to seduce(sp) them with your Girlish charms........

I love the Saturday Night live bit where Tina Faye as Ms Palin thanked the third grade class for helping her prep for the debate.

I want tuff, savy,not cutsie!!

And, about the beer, we are about as middle class as they come, we take our four wheeler out to the mudd hole, we do own camaflouge and we do drive a truck. My husband would hunt if he had time, but.....We do not have a stack of beer cans on the back porch and we keep our scratching to a minimum!

Love ya, W

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised nobody has called her on that "Joe Six-Pack" thing.

She's a multimillionaire beauty queen. The only "Joe Six-Pack" she's even knows is the one that knocked up her daughter.