Saturday, December 13, 2008


My recovery from falling down is almost complete. It took a whole lot longer than I anticipated but I am not hobbling as much anymore.

I am not a Black Friday shopper so we didn’t get to the stores until last Sunday. How bad is the economy? I was amazed. They are practically giving merchandise away and still no one is buying. I expected crowds and long lines but there was, comparatively, no one in the mall. If big business is having this bad of a time it means small business is out of business. This is very sad. Perhaps this a “correction” for business but I don’t think so. I think we are in real trouble and I don’t know what the answer is. I just hope there are some very smart people out there who do have the answer. Congress keeps banging its head against the wall – they think all they have to do is bail everyone out with tax payer dollars. I think this is just throwing good money after bad.

The company my brother-in-law works for was laying people off last year and he was in danger of losing his job. He went to his employer and ask if he could take a pay cut in order to keep his job. The boss was very impressed and said yes. Others lost their jobs but my brother-in-law kept his and is now making his original salary again.

I know this is not a cure for all of this country’s woes but perhaps if we all give a little things will get better.

When I first entered the work force many years ago, the attitude toward our jobs was, “how much can I do for this job”. Over the years I have seen this change to where workers now ask “how much can this job do for me”. Perhaps we need to concentrate less on “me” and more on “we”.

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