Sunday, December 21, 2008

Random Thoughts

Well, the Bucs lost again today. Coach Gruden said he was proud of their effort and they will learn from this loss. Excuse me! Isn't that something you say to Pee-Wee and High School football players? These guys are professionals bringing down the very big bucks. Aren't they suppose to already know how to do it?

Every year when the temperature drops below zero and the snow and ice storms rush across the country everyone is so surprised. Hello! It's winter. This is what happens in winter.

I couldn't find the crowds at the mall last Sunday but they were sure out there today. I finally had to resort to stalking people coming out of the store in order to find a parking place.

The Holliday arrived for us last Tuesday. Our son from North Carolina surprised us with a visit. It was short but very sweet.


Dave said...

The cold is creeping South - it was in the teens here this morning.

Wendy said...

not here beach weather for Christmas