Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Best & The Worst

There are a couple of commercials running right now that I think are exceptionally good.

The first is the Prius ad that has all the vegetation and trees and even the sun made up of brightly costumed people moving about in unison. It's very innovative and visually pleasing.

The very best I think is a Travelers commercial with a scruffy little dog worried about his bone. He hides it in the house, buriers it in the back yard and even puts it in a safety deposit box in the bank but he still worries about it all the time. Then he gets Travelers Insurance and his worries are gone. The background music makes the commercial.

The worst are two Geico commercials. The cave man ads are gross and I didn't think they could be topped but I was wrong. Even worse are the two eyeballs sitting on the "money you could be saving with Geico". They make no sense and are really creepy.

That's my opinion, let's here yours.


Dave said...

Here's the problem, you're watching them.

Solution, get a DVR or Tivo. Watch everything from the recordings. Commercial? Fast forward.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about the Prius ad- it kind of reminds of the scene where Dorothy steps out of her house and into Oz for the first time.

And as a guy with long hair and a beard: I am sick to death of caveman jokes. Damn you, Geico!