Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sometimes you have to take a chance

I have been very vexed (one of my son-in-law's favorite words) of late. The ceiling in my office has fallen down. Do you know how difficult it is to find someone to fix a hole in the ceiling? Very. I have been trying to ignore it. If I don't look up, it's like it isn't there - until some more of it falls on my head.

Last week as I was going to the bank I saw a pick-up truck with "Plastering" written on the side. Soooo - I walked over to the truck and the four, big, rough looking men inside (they didn't look so rough from a distance) and said "do you do ceilings"? They said "yes". Long story short, I gave them my NAME, ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER. How stupid was that? On the way home I realized what I had done became more vexed that ever.

I agonized all weekend expecting to be murdered in by bed at any moment. But, as it turned out, they sent out two very nice, rough looking men today and they fixed my ceiling, doing a excellent job, in about three hours for a very modest charge.

Sometimes you just have to take a chance -but I don't think I'll do it that way again.


SonjaB said...

I really thought I taught you better than that. Well at least you didn't get in the truck and drive with them to your house.

Sonja's Mom said...

There wasn't enough room in the truck.