Sunday, August 17, 2008

Here She Comes

Get ready - the Hurricane is coming! I feel like Chicken Little running around with my head cut off. I am attempting to put the storm shutters up. Manual labor is not my thing. Last time we had to do this my son was still at home and he had them up in less than an hour. I figure it will take me about two days. I finally learned how to make the drill work with the little wing nut that holds the shutters in place - took me about an hour. Then I discovered that when we had the house painted last year and they took the shutters down - they put them back up to close to the window so now the storm shutters will not line up correctly. I spent another hour trying to bend this heavy metal in so they would fit. Then I spent some more time trying to hammer them in place. I have three windows covered - eight more to go.

I am hot, sweaty and dirty. And, of course, the pool still isn't fixed so I can't jump in there in between wrestling matches with the shutters to cool off.

What the hell - maybe it will be better if we just blow away.

If you don't hear from me again, you will know what happened.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

LOL!!!Please know I simpathize with you in this difficult time and for you folks that live on the water I am always concerned, But that post was Darn Funny!

Hold on tight maybe the pool will be damaage and the HO insurance will cover it! Ha now that is funny, I forgot we live in Florida the state where know one(meaning major insurance company) will insure our homes except a money sucking, non profit making goverment created insurance company
Who in the event of catostophic damage can in no way pay all the necessary claims! so never mind on that. Gee don't you feel better.