Saturday, August 30, 2008

Stuck on the Fence

I am a rabid feminist. Equal rights for women, equal opportunity, equal pay – all that stuff. So, you would think that I would be ecstatic about John McCain picking Sarah Palin as his running mate. Sorry, wrong – I am not pleased – not pleased at all.

Let’s face it. John McCain is old and we all know old people can face life threating circumstances much faster that young people. Do we really want someone with so little experience a heart beat away from the presidency?

She may be young, pretty and well spoken but she has no international experience at all and very little domestic experience either. She has only been Governor of Alaska for two years. That is hardly time enough to break in the chair. And really, how hard can it be to govern Alaska. It may be a huge state but until Global Warming, they had more Polar Bears than people.

I jest, of course. I know better that that, but compared to the problems some of our states in the lower 48 face, Alaska is doing pretty well.

Also, she is ultra conservative. She will appeal to those Republicans that were going to vote along party lines anyway but I think this ticket will lose middle of the road Republicans like me.

I watched Obama’s speech and found it very inspiring.- very uplifting.

But (there is always a “but” isn’t there)

Obama wants to cut taxes for 95% of all Americans (lets hear an Amen). 95% is a lot. At the same time he wants affordable health care for everyone, jobs for everyone, energy independence in ten years, and the list goes on. My question is – how are we going to pay for all this and still cut taxes for 95% of all Americans?

At this point in tiem, I'm not sure who I will be voting for but for the first time in a Presidential Election I think I am leaning to the left. It's time for a change - I just hope it's the right one.


Wendy said...

I to listned to the big BO speech and yes inspiring, and yes well written to boost morale, but little content.

Dave said...

SM, careful now.

Wendy, lots of content, just not enough money.