Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I just can't win

I zoomed thourgh Steak N Shake last night. They are having a "special" - A bacon, cheese double steakburger for $2.99. I ordered a double steakburger plain - nothing on it - nada - zip ( I like to dress my own so I get it exactely the way I want it). When I got to the window the girl said "that will be $3.59". I asked why since a double with bacon & cheese is $2.99. Apparently you must pay 60 cents more if you do not want bacon and cheese. Does this make any sense at all? I just can't win!


Dave said...

You need to watch Five Easy Pieces again, starring Jack Nickelson in his early original days. The classic scene, rewritten for you:

SM: I have the burger without the bacon and cheese.

Flunky: That will be three something.

SM: So give me the cheap one and hold the cheese and bacon.

Flunky: We can't do that.

SM: So give me the whole thing and I'll take the bacon and cheese and stick it....

Sonja's Mom said...

Dave - How funny. I had forgotten about that movie but it is very appropriate.