Thursday, July 31, 2008

One more word on Gay Marriage

There are many definitions of the word marriage. Many people view marriage as a religious rite. The manner in which marriages are conducted vary with the many different cultures of the world. I believe that marriage is a legal, domestic contract. How you “sign” that contract depends your view of marriage. Some couples have church weddings. Some couples go the court house and are married by a judge. I have seen couples come to our law firm and be married by one of our many notary publics. And some couples go to their sister’s house and get married under a tree (one of the best weddings I have ever been to).

It doesn’t matter how you do it – it is still a contract sanctioned by the government.

The important thing is that the two people who enter into this contract love, honor and respect each other. That they agree to stand by each other in good times and bad. That is what a marriage is all about – love. At least in my opinion.

Who is it hurting if both parties are the same sex. It takes nothing away from me.

If the objection to Gay Marriage is strictly a religious one let us remember that not everyone believes the same thing. Some don’t believe in a religion at all. As I said, marriage is a legal contract. It only becomes a religious one if the couple getting married choose to make it one.

My nephew Tim and his partner Anthony are in love. They have a shared life in a happy, stable home that is warm and giving and they are a joy to be around – just like many other couples that are of different sexes. Why shouldn’t they be entitled to the same rights.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Nothing left to say.