Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Much to do about nothing.

My Aunt Ida served in World War I. She was a WAC and served her country honorably.

Oh! Wait! She was not my Aunt. She was my Great Aunt. We always called her Aunt Ida because that's what my parents called her.

My Nephew has two daughters. They call me Aunt Cheyrl. They are my Nieces.

No - Wait - They are my Great Nieces.

What a bunch of nonsense!

I'm sure Obama called him Uncle because that was the way he heard him referred to growing up.


Anonymous said...

When John McCain mixed up Sunni and Shia a few weeks back, Democrats jumped on him and Republicans said it was no big deal.

Now Barak Obama has mixed up Auschwitz and Buchenwald, and the Republicans are jumping all over him and the Democrats are saying it's no big deal.

We've got a little more than five more months of this nonsense to look forward to. (And then, of course, Campaign 2012 will start.)

Wendy said...

I will tell you like I told Sonja.
where are you
why are you not blogging
I know you are busy with the Mr.,
but.....It has been awhile.