Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yes they do!

Last weekend my daughter and I were going shopping. On the way she stopped at her bank to get money from the ATM. When she got the receipt she wadded it up and threw in the little trash basket in her car. I pulled it out and said “you should never throw anything like this in the trash, you should shred it”. She said, “you know people don’t really go through your trash”.

Friday morning is trash pick-up for our street so every Thursday night I put out the big can and also the recycle bin. At about 1:30 in the morning I woke up to a noise and looked out the window. Parked beside by trash cans was a pickup truck and someone was looking through my garbage. I immediately threw on my robe and rushed outside (because that’s what I do – I run towards danger, half dressed, in the middle of the night). By the time I got outside the truck had gone on up the street but since we are a dead end he had to turn around and come back. Finally, good sense prevailed and I moved back up the drive way out of sight. He turned off my street but I heard him go up the next street which is also a dead end. I shred everything so I'm sure he was really disappointed.

So – yes they do too - so please everyone, buy a shredder.


SonjaB said...

You live near the hood

Wendy said...

Wow are you and my husband related, we had an incedent around xmas and my husband also ran out of the house half dressed toward to young men with knifes. He chased them up the street but they ran to a wooded area, apparently that is when his good sense kicked in and he returned home.

Good warning because I was sort of on the same thought process as Sonja. Amazing what lenghts a criminal will go to!

Yuck.... Other peoples trash! I don't even like to touch my own trash much less a strangers.

Anonymous said...

We've shredded our important papers for years. We live out in the boondocks, and the trash is about 100 yards from the house and out of sight- anybody that wants it has easy access.

We also shred a lot of things that don't really need shredded. I figure that if a Bad Guy spends hours piecing a document together and ends up with a piece of junk mail, he might just give up right then and there.

Unfortunately, we live in an era where paranoid is just good sense.

Anonymous said...

This is off topic, but I'd like to hear some time how you came to design political logos. One thing I noticed scrolling through the links: the fancy, imaginative logos almost always lost to the bland, predicatable ones. :o)

Sonja's Mom said...

I worked for a County Political Executive Committee and then later for an advertising and political consulting firm. I also have(and still do) work on local campaigns.