Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I’m not Marty Stauffer

I have always admired wildlife photographers. When I was in school we often had an assembly where we watched Marty Stauffer wildlife documentaries. I watched the HD series on the Living Planet and was in awe as to how they got those shots.

We have always had lots of Cardinals at our bird feeder ever year and this year is no exception. There is a male and female that is exhibiting behavior I have not seen before. She waits on the picnic table, he goes to the feeder, get some seed and brings it back and feeds it to her. Back and forth he goes. This may be normal but I have not seen it before. She is a full grown female so why she can’t feed herself, I don’t know.

I decided I would get a picture of this. I set up a chair and around feeding time I positioned myself in the chair with my Nikon, take four shots, replace batteries and repeat, camera. I had the zoom all set and I waited – stone still. And I waited. Either the birds were not hungry or I didn’t fool them. I think the latter. After about 15 min I gave up.

So, now I have an even greater appreciation of wildlife photographers.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Maybe if you dressed in red, kind of a custume per say, or maybe you need to be like Jane Goodall and move in w/them... you know move out back for a few weeks until they trust you. Then...oh then, you gould get the picture that would rival your hero's work.