Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Squirrels are Mad

My Squirrels are mad at me. All six of them. I filled their feeder three times last week and they ate it all in a day. I told them if they did it again they would not get anymore for a week and guess what? They gobbled it all up in one day again. SO - they haven't had any food this week and boy are they mad. All day, every day this week, they sit out there and yell at me. I guess its time to give in and go feed them.


Dave said...

Make up some shark jerky from Sonja's shark. Wait, they're vegetarians aren't they.

Wendy said...

Don't give in, First they demand to be fed daily and then twice daily. But wait then they will expect one meal with a snack later in the day. IT WILL NEVER END, THOSE DAMM GREEDY SQUIRRELS. Befor you know it you will be letting them in the house to sit at the dinner table and then they will one day ask you into the back yard to look at something for them. As soon as you step outside they will run in, close the door and lock you out forever and only feeding you one meal a day.